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ArticleName Efficiency evaluation of a stowing operations on the mines of Verkhnekamsk potassium salts deposit
ArticleAuthor Borzakovskiy B. A., Rusakov M. I., Alymenko D. N.

“Galurgiya” Institute (Perm, Russia):

Borzakovskiy B. A., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:
Rusakov M. I., Researcher
Alymenko D. N., Manager on a Scientific Part, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


Development of the bedded potassium salts deposit was held in the complex hydrogeological conditions. These conditions consist of the presence of water levels under the layer of water-soluble salt rocks. The water levels may be the reason to the flood of mines, in the case of the breaches of the waterproof layer integrity. In addition, during the second working under the residental area, the possible earth surface sedimentations are the danger to buildings. On the basis of the analysis of the accidental floods effect of Verkhnekamsk potassium salts deposit mines, the damage values were established, along with the given economic valuation of risks decreasing from the collapces and slumps of waterproof layer, due to the laying of the processed spaces of breasts by the salt wastes of KCl industry.
The economical and nature conservation technology efficiency of the stoping of potassium salts with the hidraulic filing of the processed breasts was estimated and well founded mainly in the protected areas on the earth surface.
Filing of the processed breasts on mines of Verkhnekamsk deposit allows to reduce the risk of the mine flooding, increase the extraction coefficient of reserves from the soils, decrease the removal of the land areas for the salt dumps. This is the economically efficient and environmental action.

keywords Potassium salts, layer deposit, waterproof strata, breasts and sights, collapses and slumps, flood risks, reserves recovery efficiency, laying of the processed spaces

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Language of full-text russian
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