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ArticleName Examination of operating conditions of impoverishing furnaces at Nadezhdinsky metallurgical works at different electric parameters
ArticleAuthor Danilov M. P., Shchetinin N. S., Rakovets A. A., Sukhobaevsky I. Yu., Kruchenko S. Ya.

Danilov M. P., manager of pyrometallurgy laboratory, Shchetinin N. S., chief specialist, Laboratory of pyrometallugy, Rakovets A. A., production engineer, «Institute «Norilskproject» Norilsk affiliate, OOO «Institute Gipronickel»; Sukhobaevsky I. Yu., cheef engineer, Nadezhdinsky metallurgical works of the «Norilsky Nickel» Ore mining and smelting integrated works; Kruchenko S. Ya., chief engineer of Smelter shop-1, Transpolar affiliate of the «Norilsky Nickel» Ore mining and smelting integrated works

Language of full-text english
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