Journals →  Non-ferrous Metals →  2002 →  #3 →  Back

ArticleName Increasing the Lifetime of Glass Melting Devices by the Use of the Dispersion-Hardered (DH) Materials
ArticleAuthor V. A. Dmitriev, M. N. Sivkov, E. S. Studenok, A. G. Mazaletskii

1. Rytvin E. I. Platinum Metals and their Alloys in Production of Glass Fiber — Moscow: Khimiya, 1974. — 264 p.
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3. Vasilieva E. V., Volkova R. M., Zakharova M. I. et al. Platinum, its Alloys and Composite Materials. — Moscow: Metallurgiya, 1980. — 296 p.

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