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Название Improvement of the testing procedure of dump slag from Vaniukov’s furnaces at the Copper plant of M&MC “Norilsk nickel”
Автор Glazatov А. N., Tsemekhman L. Sh., Lukashova М. V., Eroshevich S. Yu., Lazarev V. I.
Информация об авторе

“Gipronickel” Institute LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia:

А. N. Glazatov, Leading Researcher, e-mail: angla@nikel.spb.su
L. Sh. Tsemekhman, Head of Laboratory
М. V. Lukashova, Researcher of a Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy

Polar Division of “Norilsk Nickel” Mining and Metallurgical Complex, Norilsk, Russia:

S. Yu. Eroshevich, Deputy Director on Technical Policy and Industrial Ecology
V. I. Lazarev, Head of an Engineering Department


Currently at the Copper Plant of Arctic Division of M&MC Norilsk Nickel a part of non-ferrous and precious metals are irretrievably lost with Vanikov’s furnaces slag send to the dump. Up to lately for the purpose of such losses control a very labourintensive method of dual slag testing was used at the operation: several samples of melted slag were taken when it was discharged from the mixer into pans and sampling was also done from hardened slag with the help of a metallic scoop. The obtained slag samples could not be considered representative and testing results were not reliable as the method was not legitimate due to its unconformity with normative documents: GOST 14180–80 and OST 48-276–86, as these documents do not admit using of testing parameters without experimentally established coefficients of components variation, also “dipper” design was imperfect due to its massive and slowly cooled surface.The principal task of the work was to develop a low cost, convenient and reliable procedure for testing melted dump product in accordance with the requirements of normative documents. For this purpose special investigations were carried out, where the uniformity of slag melts from one of the furnaces in terms of non-ferrous metals, precious metals, Fe and S content was studied with the testing product volume per a shift not less than 80%. The coefficients of components content variations were defined. There were determined scientifically proved parameters for testing melted dump slag from a Vanukov's furnace with one sample being taken from each pan. A new “dipper” was designed and introduces with the use metallic blades of a “brush” type, having large selecting surface and high cooling rate. The process of slag samples preparation for the analysis was improved considering the formation of beads of non-ferrous metals sulfides in the melt. Dual testing of slag melt with the use of a “dipper– bush” and metallurgical spoon and data processing by dispersive analysis helped to determine values of errors and allowable deviations in components testing, and they were used as metrological characteristics of control. The testing procedure was attested in accordance with the Russian Federation Law in force.

Ключевые слова Slag testing, dump product, Vanukov's furnace, variation coefficients, dispersive analysis, mean square error, allowable variance
Библиографический список

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