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ArticleName Theoretical framework for the efficiency evaluation of coal mining machines
DOI 10.17580/em.2020.01.12
ArticleAuthor Linnik Yu. N., Linnik V. Yu., Zhabin A. B., Polyakov A. V.

State University of Management, Moscow, Russia:

Linnik Yu. N., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Linnik V. Yu., Associate Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences,


Tula State University, Tula, Russia:
Zhabin A. B., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Polyakov A. V., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Academic Counselor of the Academy of Mining Sciences


Efficiency of coal mining machines in terms of their productivity and reliability depends on the conformity of cutter head designs with operating conditions and with a system of economical, technological and engineering constraints conditioned by load spectrum which influences the limiting moment of transmissions, allowable torsion torque of transmission with regard to gearing durability, etc. The system of constraints consists of economical constraints—pick replacement conditions, maximal pick productivity, allowable coal grade; technological constraints—roof support capacity, coal haulage capacity, gas criterion, continuous power of motor; as well as engineering constraints—maximal rate of feed of shearer, pulling power of feed assembly, maximal (stable) moment, radial overhang of picks. The constraints connected with the machine feed rate, pulling power and the maximal torsion torque (stable power) depend on breaking characteristics of coal seam. The aggregate evaluation of coal breaking characteristics is proposed to perform using the equivalent cuttability index of coal. The newly proposed index, as against the previously used cuttability index, tells more on the dynamics of cutting complex-structure coal seams with hard inclusions. The relations to determine theoretical productivity of coal mining machines, maximal torsion torque of motors, load variation factor of cutter heads with regard to their high-frequency and low-frequency components are presented. The authors exemplify determination of possible productivity and efficient application domain for shearers in case of technological and engineering constraints.

keywords Theoretical capacity, loading, coal breaking characteristics, cutter head, variation factor, operating conditions of shearer

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Full content Theoretical framework for the efficiency evaluation of coal mining machines