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ArticleName Research Opportunities Ferrite 2000NM the Short Process Flow
ArticleAuthor V. G. Kostishin, I. I. Kaneva, V. G. Andreev, A. N. Nikolaev, E. I. Volkova

University of Science and Technology MISiS

V. G. Kostishin, I. I. Kaneva, V. G. Andreev, A. N. Nikolaev, E. I. Volkova


The possibility of obtaining Mn—Zn−ferrite 2000 NM on the short process flow, which differs from the usual lack of diffusion operations roasting and grinding. It is shown that the use of the basic composition in sintering processes develop secondary recrystallization and zonal isolation, leading to the formation of highly inhomogeneous microstructure obtained with low values of the magnetic permeability. A homogeneous microstructure characteristic recrystallization, managed by doping copper oxide and zinc. By doping CuO permeability far from the desired value, but its temperature coefficient is small. By doping ZnO reached the desired value of magnetic permeability, but dramatically increases its temperature coefficient. The optimum combination of the magnetic parameters obtained in complex copper oxides doped ferrite and zinc.

keywords Ferrite, secondary recrystallization, inhomogeneous microstructure

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Language of full-text russian
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