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ArticleName Investigation of mechanisms behind mineral raw materials destruction in ball mills
DOI 10.17580/or.2018.03.01
ArticleAuthor Malyarov P. V., Kovalev P. A., Bochkarev A. V., Dolgov A. M.

Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) (Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russia):

Malyarov P. V., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,


LLC «Resurs» (Stavropol, Russia):
Kovalev P. A., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. National Research University (Moscow, Russia):

Bochkarev A. V., Professor, Doctor of Geological Sciences


National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic» (Dnipro, Ukraine):
Dolgov A. M., Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


This paper presents the results of comparative grindability studies of quartz sand and marble conducted with account of the degree of mill filling with respective mill feed. It is established that, in a number of cases, the slippage on ascending trajectories is of a discrete nature. Discrete slippage between ball charge layers on ascending trajectories terminates with the formation of a stable layer of feed material between them. The maximum dry and wet grinding performance is observed when there is force interaction between the particles filling the free space between the balls with the transfer of energy from grinding medium. A further increase in the amount of feed material results in a loss of discrete slippage and a performance reduction. It is proposed to build design models for mineral raw materials disintegration in ball mills using the finite element method. It is established that breakage of mineral particles in ball mills occurs in a pressurized layer in the spaces between the balls and upon impacts in the area where the feed changes from descending trajectories to circular ascending trajectories.

keywords Mill, grinding, minerals, grinding media, slippage, layer breakage, modeling, finite element method

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Language of full-text russian
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