Журналы →  CIS Iron and Steel Review →  2022 →  №1 →  Назад

Preparation of raw materials
Название Study of possibility of magnetic hydrocyclone use in concentration cycles of oxidized ferriferous quartzites
DOI 10.17580/cisisr.2022.01.01
Автор V. V. Lvov, T. N. Aleksandrova, V. B. Kuskov, A. E. Pelevin
Информация об авторе

St. Petersburg Mining University (St. Petersburg, Russia):

V. V. Lvov, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Mineral Processing, e-mail: Lvov_VV@pers.spmi.ru
T. N. Aleksandrova, Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of Dept. of Mineral Processing, e-mail: Aeksandrova_TN@pers.spmi.ru
V. B. Kuskov, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Mineral Processing, e-mail: Kuskov_VB@pers.spmi.ru


Ural State Mining University (Ekaterinburg, Russia):
A. E. Pelevin, Dr. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Mineral Processing, e-mail: a-pelevin@yandex.ru


Iron role is very essential in the up-to-date economics. Magnetite quartzites are the main source of iron making in Russia. Oxidized ferriferous quartzites are also used for accumulation of the Russian mineral and raw material base. Substantial composition and concentration capacity of the represented sample of oxidized iron ore are examined. Ore sample was ground during two stages in a ball mill and IsaMill mill. Comminuted material was classified in magnetic hydrocyclone of original construction. Magnetic system, which was mounted on the hydrocyclone, had been designed using computer software ANSYS Maxwell for simulation of electromagnetic fields and had been manufactured with use of permanent magnets made of Nd–Fe–B alloys on the base of rare earth elements. Classifying products in magnetic hydrocyclone were concentrated consequently in low- and high-intensive magnetic fields. Technological scheme for concentration of oxidized ferriferous quartzites was developed. This scheme allows to produce high-quality magnetite concentrate, hematite concentrate and mixed hematite – magnetite concentrate.

The research was conducted at the expense of the grant for execution of the State assignment № FSRW-2020-0014 in the field of scientific activity on 2021.

Ключевые слова Iron ore raw material, IsaMill grinding technology, magnetic hydrocyclone, classifying, magnetic separation, high-gradient magnetic separation, oxidized ferriferous quartzites
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Полный текст статьи Study of possibility of magnetic hydrocyclone use in concentration cycles of oxidized ferriferous quartzites