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ArticleName Integrated monitoring of the area of Zhilandy deposits
DOI 10.17580/em.2024.01.01
ArticleAuthor Rysbekov K. B., Kyrgizbayeva D. M., Miletenko N. A., Kuandykov T. A.

Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Rysbekov K. B., Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Kyrgizbayeva D. M., Associate Professor, PhD
Kuandykov T. A., Lector, PhD

Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources — IPKON, Moscow, Russia

Miletenko N. A., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


The industrial and environmental safety of mining at the Zhilandy group of deposits is ensured via identification and prediction of hazardous geodynamic processes and phenomena. This study used and integrated approach including: geological engineering of the structure and tectonics of rock mass with mapping of disturbed, displaced and crushed rock zones, instrumental surveying using electronic tachometer, surface monitoring of pit wall using ground scanning and UAV, examination of displacements at the points of a geodynamic testing area (GTA) points and assessment of the stress strain behavior changes in rock mass using satellite geodesy technologies. The methodology for integrated geodynamic monitoring is developed. The new method for GTA creation is proposed. The study results were implemented at existing mine within the R&D projects, namely, “Comprehensive monitoring of slow deformation processes of the earth’s surface during large-scale ore mining in Central Kazakhstan” and “Highly effective methodology for monitoring geotechnical conditions in rock mass to assess and predict deformation processes during mineral mining”, and also in the educational process at the Satbayev University. The implemented R&D resulted in creation and commissioning of:
— the geodynamic testing area in the region;
— the designs of permanent (ground and underground) forced centering points (FCP) allowing an increase in observation efficiency and accuracy;
— the pit wall reinforcement method and the method of the stress–strain behavior prediction in rock mass;
— the composition of the mine waste solution to reinforce the disturbed pit wall areas.
The novelty of the developed methods and means is confirmed by the patents of invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The GTA creation at mineral deposits in Central Kazakhstan is a reliable framework for the long-term monitoring of the earth’s surface deformation during large-scale mineral mining, allowing the enhanced efficiency and accuracy of observations. The results obtained can be used to improve the level of industrial safety at mines and minimize the environmental risks caused by subsoil development.
The research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, R&D Grant No. AR14871828: Highly effective methodology for monitoring geotechnical conditions in rock mass to assess and predict deformation processes during mineral mining.

keywords Mineral deposits, fracturing, rocks, physical and mechanical properties of rocks, rock mass stress state, monitoring, geodynamic testing area, geodetic surveys, satellite systems, accuracy assessment

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Full content Integrated monitoring of the area of Zhilandy deposits