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ArticleName Hydrotransport slurry pumps parametrical diagnostics methods
ArticleAuthor Menshikov S. S.

State mining University, St. Petersburg (Russia):

Menshikov S. S., Postgraduate,


The article shows that from the possible methods of slurry pumps technical state checking and diagnostics methods, the parametrical method is most widely used, as it is easily subjected to mathematical simulation by means of classical methods of hydrodynamic description of processes, occurring in slurry pump functioning. Not any other method may provide for a reliable mathematical description of controlled process. Consequently, as a result of analysis of the existing checking and diagnostics methods, the parametrical method based on hydrodynamic parameters has been chosen, and its applicability remains relevant up to the present day.

keywords Vibroacoustic diagnostics, hydrodynamic parameters, pump failures

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Language of full-text russian
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