Gornyi Zhurnal

Название | Minimization of geomechanical risks in mining |
Автор | Vernigor V. M. |
Информация об авторе | Moscow, Russia V. M. Vernigor, Mining Engineer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, VMVernigor@mail.ru |
Название | Stability rating method for mine openings |
Авторы | Eremenko V. A., Lushnikov V. N., Kosyreva M. A. |
Информация об авторах | NUST MISIS’ College of Mining, Moscow, Russia V. A. Eremenko, Director of the Research Center for Applied Geomechanics and Convergent Technologies in Mining, Professor at the Department of Physical Processes in Mining and Geocontrol, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, prof.eremenko@gmail.com POLYUS, Moscow, Russia V. N. Lushnikov, Director of Geotechnical and Gidrogeology Engineering |
Название | Geotechnical and technical audit procedure for mines |
Авторы | Eremenko V. A., Kosyreva M. A., Driga D. A. |
Информация об авторах | NUST MISIS’ College of Mining, Moscow, Russia V. A. Eremenko, Director of the Research Center for Applied Geomechanics and Convergent Technologies in Mining, Professor at the Department of Physical Processes in Mining and Geocontrol, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, prof.eremenko@gmail.com
Bustrinskaya Mining Company, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia |
Название | Investigation of rock and gas outbursting mechanism at ore deposits |
Авторы | Grechishkin P. V., Pul E. K. |
Информация об авторах | VNIMI’s Division in Kemerovo, Russia P. V. Grechishkin, Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, pv_grechishkin@mail.ru
PJSC ALROSA, Mirny, Russia |
Название | Rock and gas outbursts in underground diamond mining |
Авторы | Pul E. K., Udovenko V. N., Vyunikov A. A., Vorozhtsov S. G. |
Информация об авторах | PJSC ALROSA, Mirny, Russia E. K. Pul, Chief Geotechnical Engineer—Head of Department
Mirny Special Mine Construction Trust, Capital Construction Department, PJSC ALROSA, Mirny, Russia
Mirny–Nyurba GOK, PJSC ALROSA, Mirny, Russia |
Название | Improvement of geodynamic safety of mining at the North Urals bauxite deposits at great depths |
Авторы | Sidorov D. V., Shadrin M. A., Minzaripov R. G. |
Информация об авторах | Poligor LLC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia D. V. Sidorov, Deputy CEO for Science, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, sidorov-post@yandex.ru
SUBR JSC, Severouralsk, Russia |
Название | Regional map of orientation of effective stresses for the area of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania |
Авторы | Manevich A. I., Akmatov D. Zh., Shevchuk R. V., Dzeranov B. V. |
Информация об авторах | Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia1 ; NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia2 A. I. Manevich1,2, Researcher, a.manevich@gcras.ru
Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia1 ; Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, Russia2 R. V. Shevchuk1,2, Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences B. V. Dzeranov, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences |
Название | Direct dynamic method of calculating an industrial building frame for seismic load from drilling and blasting operations |
Авторы | Yavarov A. V., Trofimov A. V., Tyapkina P. A., Fedoseev A. V. |
Информация об авторах | Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia A. V. Yavarov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, yavarov_av@spbstu.ru
Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia |
Название | Justification of safe cut-and-fill mining under water bodies using empirical and numerical methods |
Авторы | Rumyantsev A. E., Trofimov A. V., Golovchenko Yu. Yu., Kolganov A. V. |
Информация об авторах | Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia A. E. Rumyantsev, Chief Specialist at Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
Название | Features of geomechanical control and slope stability in open pit mines |
Авторы | Klebanov D. A., Rozanov I. Yu., Sidorov A. N., Sidorenkov A. V. |
Информация об авторах | Academician Melnikov Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia D. A. Klebanov, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, klebanov_d@ipkonran.ru
Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia
MonTerra LLC, Moscow, Russia
Severstal, Moscow, Russia |
Название | Influence of unaccounted factors on maximal ground surface subsidence value |
Автор | Kulibaba S. B. |
Информация об авторе | Academician Melnikov Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia S. B. Kulibaba, Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, kulibaba_s@ipkonran.ru |
Название | Determination of rock types during drilling by frequency characteristics of vibroseis signal |
Автор | Sergunin M. P. |
Информация об авторе | NorNickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia M. P. Sergunin, Head of Department for Geotechnical Surveillance of Mining at the Center for Geodynamic Safety, SerguninMP@nornik.ru |
Название | Improvement of friction bolts |
Авторы | Zubkov A. A., Kulsaitov R. V., Kutlubaev I. M., Samigulin V. A. |
Информация об авторах | UralEnergoResurs LLC, Magnitogorsk, Russia A. A. Zubkov, CEO, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia R. V. Kulsaitov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor |
Название | Peculiarities of blind ore body mining in case of geodynamic activity of overlying and enclosing rock mass nearby mined-out voids |
Автор | Eremenko A. A. |
Информация об авторе | Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia A. A. Eremenko, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, yeryom@misd.ru |
Название | Optimization of engineering solutions on reconstruction and closure of shafts at the Oktyabrsky Mine based on integrated approach |
Авторы | Darbinyan T. P., Shchadov G. I., Samosenko I. V., Pleshko M. S. |
Информация об авторах | NorNickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia T. P. Darbinyan, Director of Mining Practice Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, DarbinyanTP@nornik.ru
Fedorovsky Polar State University, Norilsk, Russia G. I. Shchadov, Head of Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
NUST MISIS’ College of Mining, Moscow, Russia |
Название | The geotechnical analysis in the design and risk control at heap leaching pads |
Авторы | Bar N., Zlobin G. A. |
Информация об авторах | Gecko Geotechnics, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines N. Bar, Chief Geotechnical Engineer, PhD
KAZ Minerals, Almaty, Kazakhstan G. A. Zlobin, Head of Geotechnical Engineering Department, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, germanzlo17@gmail.com |
Название | Rockburst propensity analysis of samples and rock mass: A case-study of the Khibiny apatite–nepheline deposits |
Авторы | Kuznetsov N. N., Zhukova S. A., Zhuravleva O. G., Onuprienko V. S. |
Информация об авторах | Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia N. N. Kuznetsov, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
APATIT’s Division in Kirovsk, Kirovsk, Russia |
Название | The analysis of physical and mechanical properties of backfill in triaxial compression and in oedometer test |
Авторы | Trofimov A. V., Popov M. S., Kirkin A. P., Ilchenko N. M. |
Информация об авторах | Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia A. V. Trofimov, Head of Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, TrofimovAV@nornik.ru |
Название | Geo-flow model development for coal mines in island permafrost |
Авторы | Kharlampenkov I. E., Troshkov N. Yu., Giniyatullina O. L., Startsev S. V. |
Информация об авторах | VNIMI’s Division in Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russia I. E. Kharlampenkov, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, ivan87kharlampenkov@gmail.com |
Название | New approaches to design and construction of ore passes in complicated geotechnical conditions |
Авторы | Okunovich A. V., Pleshko M. S., Pankratenko A. N., Portnova A. V. |
Информация об авторах | Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia A. V. Okunovich, Director of the Mineral Sector Project Engineering Department
NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia M. S. Pleshko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, mixail-stepan@mail.ru |
Название | AI-based geomechanical and structural core logging procedure |
Авторы | Selivanov D. A., Pinigin A. D., Shagitov A. M. |
Информация об авторах | POLYUS, Moscow, Russia D. A. Selivanov, Head of Structural Geology, selivanovda@polyus.com
Innopolis University, Innopolis, Russia A. D. Pinigin, Head of AI Technologies Department |
Название | Flood risk assessment in mines of the Upper Kama Potassium–Magnesium Salt Deposit: Prospects for neural network models |
Авторы | Losev I. V., Evseev A. V., Kamaev A. A., Zhukova I. A. |
Информация об авторах | Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia A. A. Kamaev, Laboratory Engineer
Mining Institute, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia
Uralkali PJSC, Berezniki, Russia |
Название | Optimization of mine support design using numerical modeling |
Авторы | Pozolotin A. S., Grebenshchikov A. M., Ilyasov E. R. |
Информация об авторах | Research Center–Institute of Mining (NIC IGD), Kemerovo, Russia A. S. Pozolotin, CEO, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, наук, nic-igd@yandex.ru |