Obogashchenie Rud

This issue of the journal focuses on the theory and practice of iron-ore raw materials processing.
In particular, the ways for energy costs reduction and efficiency increase are proposed with regard to oxidized ferruginous quartzites processing technology (the article by I.I. Maximov et al.).
The block of articles in the section “Beneficiation processes” is devoted to the various aspects of magnetic separation. The results, obtained in the study of the vibratory fluidization effect upon fine-grained hematite ore dry magnetic separation economic figures (the article by V.A. Arsentyev et al.), demonstrate advisability of engineering production of prototypes for dry magnetic separation in fluidized layer. The studies of processes of floccules formation from magnetic particles (the article by E.A. Khopunov and S.L. Voronchikhin) are a contribution to development of the theory of magnetic separation of strong-magnetic ores and materials. Large-lump magnetite ore magnetic sorting complexes, presented by the Scientific Production Association SPA “Erga”, permit to increase concentrating plants’ capacity by feed ore by means of processing low-grade and cutoff grade ores, that could not involved in processing without ore magnetic sorting stage.
Special attention should be drawn to the review of the latest foreign iron ore projects, prepared by V.F. Baranov, whichin sufficient detail describes the processing flow sheets and equipmentprevailing in the world current iron-ore-dressing practices.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Studies and development of energy-saving technology for high-grade concentrates production from oxidized iron ores |
Авторы | Maksimov I. I., Sentemova V. A., Akkerman Yu. E. |
Информация об авторах | Maksimov I. I., Science Director; Sentemova V. A., Leading Researcher; Akkerman Yu. E., Leading Researcher, office@mekhanobr.spb.ru, JSC «Mekhanobr Engineering» (Russia). |
Название | The Olimpiadinskoye deposit ores processing results by means of jet flotation flow sheet and flotation pulp aeration by aerosol |
Авторы | Panshin A. M., Yevdokimov S. I., Artyomov S. V. |
Информация об авторах | Panshin A. M., General Director, Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant (Russia), vab@zinc.ru; Yevdokimov S. I., Associate Professor, North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute (Russia), evaser@mail.ru; Artyomov S. V., Postgraduate, North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute (Russia). |
Название | Effect of fluidization as exemplified by hematite ore dry magnetic concentration |
Авторы | Arsentyev V. A., Azbel Yu. I., Dmitriev S. V., Mezenin A. O., Andreev Ye. Ye. |
Информация об авторах | Arsentyev V. A., Director on Investigations and development, REC «Mekhanobr-tekhnika» (Russia); Azbel Yu. I., Chief Specialist, REC «Mekhanobr-tekhnika» (Russia), azbel@yandex.ru; Dmitriev S. V., Leading Engineer, REC «Mekhanobr-nekhnika» (Russia), dmitriev_sv@npk-mt.spb.ru; Mezenin A. O., Postgraduate, Saint Petersburg State Mining University (Russia), anton_mezenin@mail.ru; Andreev Ye. Ye., Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State Mining University (Russia), opiopi@bk.ru. |
Название | NRB reagent application in the Sayakskoye deposit copper ore flotation |
Авторы | Omarova N. K., Akimbekova B. B., Sherembayeva R. T. |
Информация об авторах | Omarova N. K., Associate Professor, nazim48@mail.ru; Akimbekova B. B., Associate Professor; Sherembayeva R. T., Associate Professor, Karaganda State Technical Universuty (Republic of Kazakhstan). |
Название | Floccules formation process study in magnetic separation technologies |
Авторы | Khopunov E. A., Voronchikhin S. L. |
Информация об авторах | Khopunov E. A., Doctor of Engineering (Russia), hopunov@mail.ru; Voronchikhin S. L., Russia. |
Название | Largelump magnetite ore magnetic sorting complexes |
Авторы | Krasnogorov V. O., Putilov Yu. G., Tupikov D. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | Krasnogorov V. O., Deputy Head of Laboratory, ph. +7 (4842) 54-30-08; Putilov Yu. G., Deputy Science Director, ph. +7 (4842) 54-45-82; Tupikov D. Yu., Deputy Director on Magnetic Separation, ph. +7 (4842) 79-42-68; Research & Production Company «Erga» (Russia). |
Название | Particles size determination results analysis with respect to different methods |
Авторы | Andreev Ye. Ye., Lvov V. V., Tikhonov N. O. |
Информация об авторах | Andreev Ye. Ye., Associate Professor, opi-opi@bk.ru; Lvov V. V., Associate Professor, opilvv@mail.ru; Tikhonov N. O., Student; Saint-Petersburg State Mining University (Russia). |
Название | Prospects for quartz products production from nonconventional sources of quartz raw materials |
Авторы | Danilevskaya L. A., Skamnitskaya L. S. |
Информация об авторах | Danilevskaya L. A., Senior Researcher, danilevs@krc.karelia.ru; Skamnitskaya L. S., Senior Researcher, camnits@krc.karelia.ru; Institute of Geology, Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Russia). |
Название | Upon equipment wear under conditions of vibration and impact load |
Авторы | Blekhman I. I., Blekhman L. I., Vasilkov V. B., Ivanov K. S., Yakimova K. S. |
Информация об авторах | Blekhman I. I., Head of Laboratory; iliya.i.blekhman@gmail.com; Blekhman L. I., Leading Researcher; Vasilkov V. B., Leading Researcher; Ivanov K. S., Researcher, ivanoff.k.s@gmail.com; Yakimova K. S., Leading Researcher, yakimova_ks@npk-mt.spb.ru; Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS (Russia). |
Название | Upon useful models, model solutions and effectiveness |
Автор | Smirnov A. N. |
Информация об авторе | Smirnov A. N., First Deputy General Director, JSC «Mekhanobr Engineering» (Russia), ansmirnov@mekhanobr.spb.ru. |
Название | Promising technologies and techniques for iron ores processing (the latest iron ore projects review) |
Автор | Baranov V. F. |
Информация об авторе | Baranov V. F., Deputy General Director for Prospective Projects, Mekhanobr Engineering (Russia), office@mekhanobr.spb.ru. |
Название | Rules of submission of articles for publication in the «Obogashchenie Rud» journal |
Название | List of articles, published in the journal in 2011 |